Monday, June 28, 2010

We Are Pregnant!

Steve and I have been trying to naturally conceive baby #2 for the past five years. We finally did it! (ha)

I had completely given up hope that it was ever going to happen and in November of last year I had finally given away all the baby stuff that I had saved of Jacob's.

We are so excited!!

We have chosen a midwife team and are going to have a wonderful home birth!

Jacob already knows and he is excited to tell everybody that he is going to be a big brother. He is also excited to be here during the birth. One of his first questions was "Do I get to be here when the baby is born?".

The new baby is due February 1st of 2011. I am 11 weeks along as of today.

The sex of the baby will most likely be a complete surprise because I will not have any medical intervention including an ultra sound. My midwife does offer the option to get an ultrasound, I just haven't decided on that yet.

I think this will all finally seem real in about 6 more weeks when I can actually feel the baby moving and I start to get the big belly! I am looking forward to that part! So far the first trimester has been a little rough. I'm fine I just feel very "ugh". Which is what Steve now so loving refers to the new baby as ... Ugh. He said to Jake today "Don't jump on mommy, Ugh doesn't like it".

I am trying to embrace every part of this pregnancy even the "ugh" so I can fully enjoy the experience. This will be our last and we are so thankful for this amazing opportunity to have one more child!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Jake's 6th Birthday!

This year we celebrated Jake's 6th birthday at Mercury Gymnastics. It was so much fun. The kids got to free play on the equipment for a full hour and then we opened gifts and had cake and ice cream!

Here is an image of all the kids, minus Katie & Kyle (3 year olds)they were getting a diaper change.

The party was Transformer themed this year, and as always Nana baked a great tasting cake. We printed the Transformer symbols and created our own stencils. We dusted coco powder to create the images on the cake. It turned out pretty good.

Nana had the brilliant idea for traveling with the ice cream. The night before the party we scooped out individual servings into over sized cupcake liners that were placed on a cookie sheet. We placed them back into the freezer over night. As we were getting ready to head to the party we placed a block of dry ice into the bottom of our larger cooler and then set the cookie sheets with the ice cream on top. Even after the travel time and then the hour of the kids playing the ice cream was still perfect when it came time to serve it. Having it in the individual liners was such a huge time saver not to mention it prevented the hassle and mess of trying to dish out ice cream to crazy wound up party children. As I quickly cut the cake another adult place the ice cream cups on to the plates and handed to children. It was so easy and fast. I will be doing that for every birthday from now on! I should have taken a picture ... sorry.

Even though Transformers was the party theme the gift theme was Star Wars Legos. This kid made out like a bandit. He was very pleased with everything he received, even the Hairdryer from Aunt Elaine. I'll explain that in a minute.

There was lots of jumping, swinging and even some resting.

Followed by more swinging, running and more jumping.

The kids all had a great time and so did the adults. It was a short sweet and active party, well worth the money spent!

Now about the hairdryer ...

During our Christmas visit to Aunt Elaine's house a funny thing happened. As Jake was opening his gifts he had pulled back the wrapping paper to reveal a hairdryer box. When he saw the image on the box his eyes lite up and he exclaimed "A hairdryer, how cool, my very own hair dryer!" It took all the adults a minute to catch our breath long enough to break the bad news to him. Aunt Elaine had recycled the box and placed a different gift in it. He was only disappointed for a moment and then was excited about the toy that was in the box. I can't even remember what it was. The sound of joy and the look on his face when he thought he was getting a hairdryer was hilarious! Which is why Aunt Elaine sent him his very own hairdryer for his birthday. Another funny thing is that he remembered that he had not gotten one at Christmas and was super excited again when he got this one. This boy cracks me up. By the way he does use his hairdryer.

Thank you to everyone for making Jake's 6th birthday a great one!

Jake's first slumber party!

Jake was so excited to hear that The Cantwell boys , all 4 of them, were going to stay with us for the night! Todd and Kara the boys parents needed to take a trip over night and asked if I would watch the boys. I just told Jake is was a slumber party.

There was lots of role playing and there was not a single moment without something being shot, something being used to shoot something, or someone suffering from a shot wound. The death scenes were emmy worthy I'm positive.

Below is an image of one of the first epic battles fought that evening.

The battle resulted in the need to use the force to heal the near death Jedi Jacob.

After 5 baths and 5 pajama shirts were matched with 5 pajama bottoms we all settled down for the usually first slumber party activities, snacks and a late movie! We couldn't find Alex's pj bottoms so he had to wear a pair of mine. We had to roll them and pin them to get them to stay up. It was pretty funny.

The movie of choice was of course ... if you'll look closely at the image on the tv you may have already guessed it, Star Wars Episode V.

The boys all slept on a bed of blankets on the floor of Jakes room. They had a great night! :)