Wednesday, October 6, 2010

23 Weeks

Baby Lewis is now 23 weeks gestation. WOO HOO

Things are going great! This pregnancy has been different then Jakes. I wouldn't say better just different. I have been able to eat anything I want, however the nausea in the first trimester was horrible. I never actually vomited but the feeling was there constantly for several weeks. That has passed, thankfully and now everything feels very normal. There are even days when I question if there is anything actually going on in there.

I have been going to the gym with Sephie and walking about 5 miles a week for the past 6 weeks. I feel great. I have lost 10lbs already!! Which is fine even with the baby. I was overweight so it's all good. Starting this week Steve has begun to go to the gym with me on different days then I go with Sephie so now I am getting a full 10 miles a week. I am going to be so HOT when this kid is born! :)

I have another appointment with my midwife tomorrow. Jake and Steve are usually here when she is and that is cool.

We still do not know the gender, but everyone has their own very strong hunches. Even Suzanne(midwife)thinks she knows.

Two of my friends, Stacie and Jennifer have provided me with an abundance of maternity clothes. Which I am so thankful for. It is getting to cold outside to go naked.

Steve and I are also going to get our room ready for the birth and life after this little one gets here. We already have a changing table/6 drawer dresser that we are going to refurbish. It will go in our room for the first year at least. We are going to try to keep things simple. We hardly ever used Jake's crib so we are not even going to bother getting one this time. Unless this baby asked for one. You never know, each kid is different. We are just going to be super flexible and go with the flow.

In November I am going to write up my birth plan and start getting things finalized for the big day. I have a clear vision of how I want things to happen and I need to get in down on paper ... or computer. I am super excited both for the arrival of this little person and the actual event of the birth! I really think this experience is going to be awesome! I won't go into it but the only thing good about Jake's birth was Jake. This birth however will be much different and amazing!

Jake is excited about the new baby and still tells everyone we come in contact with that I am pregnant. He has even felt the baby move! He thinks it is very cool. He is still not sure if he wants to see the actual birth, but I have a feeling he will. He is super curious just like I am so I don't think he will be able to resist.

Well that's it for now. Things are great and going smoothly!

We are so excited and couldn't be happier!!


Just Craptastic... said...

Yeah 23 weeks!! Already over half way there! That's just crazy! I can't even believe it! And you're out there exercising too. You're amazing! I got so sick I couldn't do it while pregnant. Oh man...I don't miss those days at all. I hope the weather cooperates so I can come and be there for the birth. I'm so excited!! Yeah 10 pounds!! Way to go Michelle!!

Sheridy said...

So what does everyone think it is? I don't have a clue. I'm so excited for you! I can't believe that you have got stuff already. I don't have anything. I hope you continue to have a great 17 weeks.

Katie Lyn said...

We couldn't be happier for you!!!

Congrats on the weight loss... nothing but pure HCG running through your bloodstream!! Gotta love being pregnant!

Good luck with the last stretch!