Saturday, December 27, 2008

Cosmic Brownie Points

Have you ever had a person in your life that has the ability to evoke uncontrollable emotions within you? A person whose very existence irritates you? The mere site of that person makes you wish that your heart would stop beating just so you wouldn't have to face hearing them speak again. An accidental thought about that person makes your skin crawl so much that you feel the need to bathe in order to wash away the disgust. A person who no matter how harshly you treat them, or how brutally honest you are with your feelings about them … or, no matter how many times you run screaming bloody murder when you see them approaching … they just won’t go away. They just don’t get it or they just don’t care.

Unfortunately I have people in my life that evoke those types of harsh, extremely powerful emotions. I am doing everything in my power to control and release those feelings in a positive way, but it is painfully hard. At times I think a wonderful release from these people would be to watch them spontaneously vaporize into a pile of ash just like in the old cartoons. They are in the middle of speaking and *poof* all that is left is a grey pile of ash with a set of curious blinking cartoon eyes on top, a janitor with a broom and dust pan walk in from stage left sweep up the pile and then exit stage right. I would then smile and go about my day happily. You might be thinking “that is awful, how can you wish someone to be vaporized?” It is easy, they are irritating and annoying, my life would be a lot less stressful if they weren’t a part of it and I am in a position that I can’t remove them or myself quickly enough … so cartoon style vaporization is a viable option.

I am a believer that we invite things into our lives and we do have a certain level of control. That being said I am fully aware that the people that cause me this grief are in my life because I allow them to be. I will say though that I did not invite them to be who they are. They did that themselves. There are bound to be some cosmic brownie points awarded to me for my effort to calmly deal with this daily torture. I just know in my heart that at some point either in this life or the next I will be rewarded. I have to believe this or I would go insane.

For those of you who are suffering with a similar type of “person” I am truly sorry. I feel your pain and misery. Know that you are not alone. During times that you are forced to deal with your “person” take a moment to think of all the victims like you in the world that are dealing with a far more irritating “person” and be thankful your's isn’t that bad. It might actually help you focus on staying calm and getting through it. Running and screaming in the opposite direction might be effective also, it didn’t work for me but it is worth a shot.

For those of you who do not have a “person” please pray for us!


Anaise said...

Wow--those are some strong feelings! Hope the "person" isn't me!! :) I sincerely hope the cosmic brownie point allotter allots you a lot of brownie points (say that 10 times fast!).

Come play--I think we are as germ-free as it is possible for us to be!

Katie Lyn said...

Considering that I spent time with ya'll and you guys were playing with your WII infront of me, I can assume that the "person" isn't me... but then again...

However, I do my best to NOT be a Psychic Vampire... but you never know.

Michelle said...

I can almost with 100% confidence say that anyone who actually reads this blogs or leaves me comments is not "the PERSON" I am speaking of. It was just a general vent (sort of)... I know we all have people who cause us grief. For me it helps to discribe my feeling in the most graffic way possible in order to not actually snap. Its a way to get it out. :)