Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's Beginning to Look Alot Like Christmas!

OK so this is technically the second snow of the season ... but the first one was just flurries so it doesn't count.

At the beginning of each season I think to myself "Oh I love this time of year!" and then by the end of that season I am so thankful the next one has begun.

Well I am thinking that again right now. Oh, I love this time of year! The fresh snow that hasn't been touched and gives everything a flawless coating of white perfection is like looking at a priceless painting. It is so relaxing to snuggle on the sofa under a comfy blanket, sipping hot cocoa starring at the falling snow through a large picture window while the lights of the tree reflect in the glass. After the snow has piled up sufficiently and you’re a wee bit wired from the caffeine in the cocoa, getting all bundled up and making your mark in that once perfectly flawless blanket of white in the yard is just plain fun.

Life is full of struggles for many right now and I hope that everyday those of you who are suffering can find happiness in something. Having joy for even just a fraction of a moment as you count the points of a snowflake that landed on your window is a step in the right direction.

The entire Lewis Family wishes everyone a safe and happy Christmas Season!

1 comment:

Anaise said...

Yes, I agree about the snow--when I'm safely home! However, yesterday I was out DRIVING in said winter wonderland, white knuckled at 40 mph on I-70 because I misunderstood the weather report I'd watched and I went ahead and kept the scheduled playdate at our friend's house 30 miles from home!

We made it there and back safely, though, and boy, did the girls have fun out in the snow!!!

You are lovely! Thank you for your wonderful wishes! Merry Christmas to you, too!